Wednesday, 24 July 2013

24 July 2013, Hickleton Hall POW Project Day 3

What a difference a day makes! And today was very different to yesterday. For a start there was hardly a cloud in the sky and the sun shined down on us all day, plus we made some brilliant steps forward with the archaeology.

We also had a big group out today: Alex, Chris, Phil, Kate, Lee, Vince, Michael, Margaret, Sylvia, Martina, Sue, Sue, Russell, Jo, Shona and Helen!

You wouldn't guess that a lot of work was done from Phil's team, here they are relaxing in the sun...

This was how we had left one of the concrete bases on Monday, due to the rain on Tuesday, work stopped on it but continued today with the sunshine!

The best find from the topsoil over the concrete base was this temperance wine bottle. 'Masons Wine Essence Nottingham' is printed on the glass, unfortunately the contents are long gone...

Other finds from the topsoil included brick, worked stone, wire and nails. All the artefacts will be recorded on finds sheets, so we know where everything came from.

Also, the geophysical survey continued despite the best efforts of the cows to destroy the grids!

And then everyone helped out on the hut base, in order to get it finished.

Phil strikes a pose, whilst his team work hard....

A very rare picture, here. This is Christine's lunch, she's not known to be able to make a pack-up in the morning, so this is a very rare shot indeed...(also of note is the pink cooler bag...)

 And then, in the afternoon, great secrets were revealed!

The concrete hut base had post holes running around the entire edge, these were for wooden posts so that pre-fabricated slabs could be slid in to form the walls of the hut. An exciting aspect of the structure which we weren't expecting!

Some of them, like the ones that Martina and Sue were working on, had remains of the wooden posts and even nails left in situ. These will be fully recorded tomorrow:

This was not the only amazing discovery today, we managed to locate the chimney place for a second hut base nearby. 

This is the second hut base with the chimney, which we had originally revealed last year. This was also cleaned off, ready to be recorded.

So, all in all a great day for the project, the sun shone, we had a great time and some great archaeology was uncovered. Let's hope tomorrow brings the same fortune and exciting developments!!

If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to come along, just let us know you are coming, or you can follow us here on Facebook and Twitter.

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