Wednesday, 16 October 2013

16 October 2013, Ulley Roman Project Day 3

This morning brought with it heavy cloud and mist, but we had thirteen volunteers on site despite the threatening weather! As we had so many people on site we were able to conduct the field walking a bit quicker than yesterday, with more people in the grids:

We also had a site dog for the day, in the shape of Molly the sheepdog. She seemed to enjoy being out with us, but wasn't very good at finding pottery...

The field walking only turned up a lot of modern material, but that was close to the field edge and the modern houses, so it was to be expected. However, we did recover some medieval pottery from further down the hill, yet we still have to find any tangible Roman material. We're keeping our fingers crossed though!

Meanwhile, the geophysics continued and three more grids were finished before lunch! This brings the total to eight so far, which is pretty good going for two days work with people who have never done it before!

Alex also drew a plan of the field and the positions of all the grids over the entire site. Each one is numbered starting with A1, this is so that we know exactly in the field where the field walking finds have come from and which squares which have been surveyed by the resistivity array. A quick count showed us that there is just over 100 grids! So there is a lot to do!

Today was the best turn out and here are the happy workers!

Unfortunately, as we were having lunch the heavens opened and the rain started to fall with no impression that it was going to let up any time soon. We called it a day as field walking and surveying in rain is a pretty miserable affair and hopefully tomorrow will be kinder to us!

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