Thursday, 31 July 2014

31 July 2014, Hickleton Hall POW Project Day 9

With it being the penultimate day for the Hickleton Hall project it was all steam ahead with recording today! Jonathan and Jean finished off drawing the stones in sondage 6.

Meanwhile, Martin and Ant did the same in sondage 7, there is a lot of bricks to draw here, but it's all good practise!

Russ and Anne continued working in sondage 5, near hut base 6. They had discovered a feature underneath the rubble, so it had to be investigated. When it was dug, however, it turned out just to be a natural fissure in the geology. But this shows that these things have to be dealt with in case they are archaeological features!

Over on the other side of the hut bases we had noticed that there was another vehicle inspection pit, so Dickie, Rob and Duncan spent the morning clearing the weeds and moss off the concrete to expose the top layers of the feature.

Unfortunately, we don't have time to fully excavate this feature this season, but we needed to record its location and how big it is in plan.

Whilst all this activity was going on, Lee and Alex recorded the locations of all the hut bases using the Total Station Theodolite (TST; the green machine on the yellow tripod). This electronically records distances and heights so they can be used to create an accurate plan of the whole site when we turn to writing the report.

Tomorrow will bring more of the same as we close site down for this season, but we still have lots to do!

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